What to expect on the day of nail surgery
• Your toe will be numb for one to two hours after the surgery, so be careful not to knock it.
• You will need to keep the dressing on and keep it dry.
• Plan to “put your feet up” and rest for the remainder
of the day.
• If there is further bleeding or oozing through the dressing add extra gauze to the outside of the
dressing and raise your leg.
• If there is pain, throbbing or discomfort as the anaesthetic wears off, take the recommended dose of your usual painkiller. Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen products.
• In most cases you should be able to go back to work or school the next day.
Toenail surgery aftercare
What to do
• Rest and put up your feet.
• Wear shoes that allow room to move.
• Eat and drink as normal.
• If you are feeling uncomfortable, take the recommended dose of your usual painkiller (avoid
aspirin or ibuprofen products).
What to avoid
• Do not drive while your toe is numb.
• Do not wear tight shoes
• Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen
• Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.
• Do not get the dressing wet.
Long-term advice
• Avoid swimming until healed and reduce strenuous
sporting activities.
• If part of your nail has been removed it will usually take six to eight weeks to heal. If all of your nail has been removed it will usually take eight to ten weeks to heal.
• It is normal for the wound to weep.
• If the toe(s) get VERY red, swollen and painful the wound may have become infected and you may require a prescription of antibiotics from your GP and please seek medical advice.
Redressing instructions
Follow this redressing process every other day until the wound(s) have fully healed.
• Remove the old dressing.
• Bathe your foot in luke warm salt water and dry fully.
• If more than one foot has had surgery, use fresh water for each foot.
• Apply the dressing to the toe(s).